How To Never Run Out of Things to Say in a Conversation

I used to blank out frequently during...

Neurotic People Have A Surprising Health Advantage

Although the neurotic generally suffer from more stress and anxiety, some have a surprising health advantage. Being neurotic can be good for your health in some circumstances. So-called ‘healthy neurotics’ are people who combine neurotic personality traits with being conscientious. The self-discipline of being conscientious counteracts unhealthy neurotic behaviours like overeating and drinking too much alcohol. Dr Nicholas A. Turiano, the study’s first author, said: “These people are likely to weigh the consequences of their actions, and therefore their level of neuroticism coupled with conscientiousness probably stops them from engaging

This Posture Doubles Dating Success On Tinder And Face-To-Face

The posture that makes both sexes look more attractive. Both men and women look more attractive when they adopt an expansive posture, a new study finds. Expansive postures include having the arms outward rather than folded, generally leaning backwards or with the legs apart rather than crossed. Expansive gestures tend to signify openness and dominance, which is why they are seen as more attractive. Dr Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, the study’s first author, said: “We have seen it within the animal world, that taking on extra space and maximizing presence inside a

The Type of Probiotic That Reverses Depression

The probiotic buffered the body against the damaging effects of stress. Depression has been reversed in mice by feeding them probiotic bacteria, new research reports. Lactobacillus is a type of ‘good’ bacteria found in yogurt, among other foods. The role of the gut microbiome — the bacteria which live in our gut — has become a focus of research interest recently. Dr Alban Gaultier, who led the study, said: “The big hope for this kind of research is that we won’t need to bother with complex drugs and side effects

Meet our new therapist! –  Hannah Lenertz

Meet our new therapist! – Hannah Lenertz

Hannah Lenertz, MPS, LADC Hannah has clinical experience in treating individuals, couples, and groups, with issues related to grief, anger, depression, anxiety, relationships, co-occurring disorders, and trauma. She will be practicing out of our location. If you are interested in…

Meet our new therapist! – Katherine Borud

Meet our new therapist! – Katherine Borud

Katherine Borud, MA Katherine has clinical expertise working with children, adolescents, individuals, couples and families with issues related to anxiety, life transitions, self-esteem, and family or relational conflict. She will be practicing out of our location. If you are interested…